Category: Office

How to Organise File Cabinet at Work Cover Image

How to Organise File Cabinets at Work: Keeping Offices Organised

Learning how to organise file cabinets at work and using filing system categories for your […]

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ways to reduce noise in office environments cover image

8 Simple Ways to Reduce Noise in Office Environments

In many cases, noise in office environments and corporate settings can be incredibly distracting. Where […]

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Busy office

Can I Claim Office Furniture on My Taxes?

Updated 2023-2024 If you’re wondering about claiming your home office furniture on your tax return […]

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Productivity Guide: Getting The Most Out Of Office Meetings

Office meetings. Your staff dread them, and as a manager, you secretly don’t blame them. […]

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Jogging shoes

5 Ways To Stay Active At Work

Office workers face an eternal struggle to stay fit and healthy due to the largely […]

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Office layout 5

Office Layout Types – What’s Best For You?

Whether you’re starting a new business or looking for ways to optimise your current workspace, […]

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Reception Area

The Importance of Choosing the Right Reception Desk

First impressions matter. Just like we form opinions about other people instantly upon meeting them, […]

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Prevent Posture Problems with Office Yoga

As office workers, we can do a lot of damage to our bodies by sitting […]

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The Benefits of having Greenery in your Workplace

“We can’t stop breathing, but we can do something about the quality of air that […]

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