Author: Tim Vetter


How To Set Up A Home Office

Setting up a home office can be a daunting task. Deciding between what’s necessary and […]

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Reception Area

The Importance of Choosing the Right Reception Desk

First impressions matter. Just like we form opinions about other people instantly upon meeting them, […]

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Top 5 advantages of using a standing desk

Top 5 Advantages of Using a Standing Desk

We spend a third of our hours in a day working. If you include travel […]

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Prevent Posture Problems with Office Yoga

As office workers, we can do a lot of damage to our bodies by sitting […]

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Cascade Close up

How to Make the Most of Your Fully Ergonomic Office Chair

Did you know that Charles Darwin was the first person to add wheels to the […]

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The Benefits of having Greenery in your Workplace

“We can’t stop breathing, but we can do something about the quality of air that […]

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How A Lectern Can Improve Your Public Speaking

Your hands are shaking. A bead of sweat falls from your forehead. You clear your […]

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5 Ways To Maximise The Ergonomics Of Your Workplace

Sitting is the new smoking. It’s the terrifying proclamation with the power to spur any […]

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